Composite Veneers
Composite veneers are a conservative and inexpensive way of improving your smile. Utilising modern techniques and the latest technologies, composite veneers can be used to improve chipped, discoloured, worn or misaligned teeth.
Composite Veneers vs Porcelain Veneers
Often performed without anaesthetic, the treatment instantaneously transforms your smile, creating a radiant new look. Composite veneers are an excellent alternative to porcelain veneers, where cost may be prohibitive. Composite veneers may also be used as a transition stage before receiving porcelain veneers.
The limitations of composite veneers are that unlike porcelain veneers, as they tend to age quicker and require more frequent replacements. Composite veneers also do not provide the same surface lustre that porcelain veneers do.
At Accent Dental, we have been utilising our Invisalign technique to enhance the way people smile. Often after straightening your teeth and resolving bite issues, we may use composite veneers to enhance the smile to its optimised state.
Why choose Accent Dental Care for your Composite Veneers?
- Highest aesthetic result
- Able to place implants and give teeth by same practitioner
- Warranty on product
- Sedation and general anaesthetic available
- Individualised solution (not a one size fits all approach)
- Absolute ability in finding the right solution for yourself and your budget
- Exceptional maintenance by our support team
- State of the art facility
- Best product available utilising the best implants and materials (Nobel
Biocare and specialised lab)
Contact Accent Dental
If you would like more information about whether composite veneers are the right solution for you, contact Accent Dental today on (08) 9226 1461 to speak to a member of our friendly administration team. You are more than welcome to request information over the phone or alternatively, schedule a consultation appointment. Upon completion, our dentists will be able to tell you whether composite veneers are your best solution for oral restoration and provide you with any alternative treatment options.
Why choose Accent Dental
for my porcelain veneers in Perth?
Porcelain veneer treatment demands strict attention to detail. We’re able to ensure this at Accent Dental, due to our tried and tested method and extremely experienced dentists. The process allows a highly interactive journey for both you and our team, whereby the smile that you have always wanted can be achieved.
Anyone who is unhappy with their smile is a candidate is for porcelain veneers. However, the quality of the existing tooth will be taken into consideration and if it is found to be too poor, and the expense of the veneer outweighs the longevity of the treatment, an alternative cosmetic treatment may be proposed, such as dental implants or a bridge. It may also be determined that a different cosmetic procedure could yield the same, or better results, for example Invisalign may be used to treat crowding or teeth whitening for discolouration.
To determine whether you’re a candidate for porcelain veneers, contact our Perth based dental clinic and request a consultation appointment with one of our dentists. All of our initial consultation appointments are completely obligation free and are simply an opportunity for you to discuss your options with an expert.
There are a few different ways that porcelain veneers are applied at our Perth clinic. One method is by performing minor tooth reduction first, which has proven to provide the best results but does require some loss of enamel and changing the shape of the natural tooth. However, for smaller tooth defects, mini-veneers or non-prep veneers may be an option, which is the process of adhesively bonding the veneer to the front surface of the tooth and does not require teeth to be filed down.
Accent Dental, after many decades, has perfected the use of dental porcelain veneers to enhance a person’s smile. We work closely with our master ceramist to create natural, life like veneers that mimic natural, healthy teeth thus producing a beautiful and confident smile.
Our dentists utilises the Design Align Deliver (DAD) technique, which has allows us to optimise aesthetic treatment outcomes for our patients. The process involves 3D design mock up, alignment correction problems and delivery of high-end porcelain veneers.
Our appointments include photographic analysis of our patient’s smile and computerised digital design, to provide a mock-up with a shape and form to best compliment the patients face. Once the mock-up has been tried-in or as we say “road tested”, our ceramist fabricates the ceramic veneers from the highest quality porcelain. Minimicing the natural colours and texture of the patient’s teeth to the individual 3D prescription from the mock-up, ensuring the porcelain veneer fits seamlessly in the mouth and appears as a natural tooth.
Before the final veneers are placed, a try-in visit allows for the fit, shape and colour to be checked and any adjustments made prior to the final bonding.
Call Our Friendly Team Today!
If it’s been too long since your last dental visit, be sure to contact our friendly and caring team at Accent Dental today. Simply book an appointment or call us on (08) 9226 1461 more for information.